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To stay caught up with more live-time musings, please see my Facebook Page Awakening Bodies Co.
Erin Gallagher
Dec 7, 20201 min read
Something will happen
Something will happen. It will kick up many reactions. Don’t become the reactions, And you transcend the need for trigger And/or, the...
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Erin Gallagher
Dec 7, 20201 min read
Are those preferences of ego, or soul?
Preference is not personal. Preference usually portends commitment; it’s hard to commit to something we don’t want to commit to. What...
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Erin Gallagher
Dec 7, 20201 min read
here I AM beneath
I marvel at these waves. Deja vu that returns me to when I first felt it-my ego doubted if I’d ever be here, now, But I am. Emotions,...
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Erin Gallagher
Dec 7, 20201 min read
receptivity to Life
When I’m frustrated I’m usually in resistance; I’ve left receptivity-my connection to exchange with Life. What does receptivity to Life...
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Erin Gallagher
Dec 7, 20201 min read
“perfect teachers”
Disappointment with teachers or outside “authority”? I’ve found that as I pause my choice to blame an outside other for _____, and I...
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Erin Gallagher
Dec 7, 20201 min read
release our aversion to darkness
It is not the avoidance of, but the reconciliation with your pain & darkness that actually makes you trustworthy-to yourself-and to...
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Erin Gallagher
Dec 7, 20201 min read
When i embody resonance, there is no need to divorce Any part of life. And, I can still be “me”.
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Erin Gallagher
Dec 7, 20201 min read
Just for today
Just for today, only do what you can. Perhaps set down expectations given to you to accomplish (or “be”) by any outside other and just...
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Erin Gallagher
Dec 7, 20201 min read
Just Notice
Sometimes all the doors seem closed-most avenues seem non-resonant. It’s not that we’re in resistance, as much as time seems to slow down...
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Erin Gallagher
Dec 7, 20201 min read
Nothing is personal
Take nothing personally. Everyone is moving from their own unique path; Karma, coding, trauma, desires, free will, flexibility of nervous...
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Erin Gallagher
Dec 7, 20201 min read
When the structures crumble
When the structures/plans out ahead seem to crumble or end, we have opportunity to pour our focus/life force deep within, back into...
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Erin Gallagher
Dec 7, 20201 min read
the architecture needed
We wear the architecture needed (beliefs, identities, thoughts) to guide us through (each) phase. This is by design, and so, there is no...
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Erin Gallagher
Dec 7, 20201 min read
Stuck is a feeling
Stuck is a feeling. You are not a feeling. You are the Life that experiences feelings. Life Moves. (You’re moving, even if seemingly...
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Erin Gallagher
Dec 7, 20202 min read
How do we discern?
How do we discern who to believe right now? 1) Listen deeply to your own field-know your own limits and fears-know that they WILL project...
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Erin Gallagher
Dec 7, 20202 min read
I pray that we can hear each other. That when we engage, we are equally ready and curious, to listen. I pray that we know ourselves...
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Erin Gallagher
Dec 7, 20201 min read
Embody your Essence and Know.
Your ego may not (seem) to be of much value to some, but that does not mean that it-as extension of soul-of love-of Life-isn’t...
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Erin Gallagher
Dec 7, 20201 min read
Trust (of self, other, Life) Comes from surrendering to the Intelligence of Life (Not to any of it’s potential outcomes) Trust is a...
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Erin Gallagher
Dec 7, 20204 min read
It takes every ounce of strength sometimes to put down that protective sword; find the pathway Home
What scares me, is that we cannot hear one another, through our fear. And worse, that we call our fear by other names. Lifetimes and...
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Erin Gallagher
Dec 7, 20201 min read
Heavens or Hells?
Thoughts can be gateways into labyrinths of Heavens or Hells. Come back to Being?
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Erin Gallagher
Dec 7, 20203 min read
Light desiring Life
We came in as Light desiring Life. We came in clear, with Vision, and often a forgetting of that Sight. We mirrored holding patterns and...
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