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To stay caught up with more live-time musings, please see my Facebook Page Awakening Bodies Co.
Erin Gallagher
Dec 7, 20201 min read
May you feel you are held and helped by Life
Life sees your pain. Let Life help you work with it. You and your pain are contained within the fabric; Life knows how to unwind that...
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Erin Gallagher
Dec 7, 20201 min read
see what unfurls or unwinds
There is no need To bring our jagged, adrenaline-filled Will to a thing. See it’s periphery, penetrate it, Become It. Then, see what...
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Erin Gallagher
Dec 7, 20206 min read
Business, Dads & Daughters, and relationships between multidimensional and human Beings.
I am a multidimensional being, who hears directly from Spirit and is being led on a rather unconventional, intuitive path-especially as...
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Erin Gallagher
Dec 7, 20201 min read
do this without judgement
Just be who and where you are. And maybe keep an eye on if “who you are” is your patterning, or something more. But do this without...
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Erin Gallagher
Dec 7, 20201 min read
what might be different?
If you could Feel how unconditionally loved, supported and guided you were by Source, Spirit & Life, what might be different about This...
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Erin Gallagher
Dec 7, 20201 min read
And revel in Joy of Being.
Under this, Right place and right time Exists. Follow exhale beneath circumstance And revel in Joy of Being.
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Erin Gallagher
Dec 7, 20201 min read
How is it for me, to interact with this?
This day has Much for you, As you have Much for It. How is it for me, to interact with this Day, Life?
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Erin Gallagher
Dec 7, 20207 min read
A Call for our ethics to include our larger reality
Navigating my Vocational Offerings can be intense, like a maze. I will birth Her for sure, but in this environment, I’m unclear of her...
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Erin Gallagher
Dec 7, 20201 min read
May we find our way.
I am praying for all of you who have massive vision, deep integrity and the will to birth it through-despite the limitations of this...
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Erin Gallagher
Dec 5, 20202 min read
Let each Being Be. To heal.
If someone seizes up, tightens and raises their voice in their throat, takes on a defensive tone in your presence, turns subtlety away...
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Erin Gallagher
Dec 5, 20204 min read
There exists a paradigm of religion where concepts create beliefs to be the architecture that begets a sense of safety and control. There...
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Erin Gallagher
Dec 5, 20201 min read
Sit in the Center
Sit in the Center. Circumstances may swirl or heap around-or even through you. Sometimes they chisel away old veils of Self, revealing...
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Erin Gallagher
Dec 5, 20201 min read
Making choice from Resonance cancels all need for competition, judgement & striving. What will our World be like, then?
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Erin Gallagher
Dec 5, 20201 min read
Embody and Let Flow?
Keep the life force in your body. I know it’s super easy to jump up to the mental plane and create the way we’ve known; pause that form...
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Erin Gallagher
Dec 5, 20201 min read
Beneath our personas, in the spaces that birth them, we are not separate, we are Same. Ego has historically needed to be a separate-self...
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Erin Gallagher
Dec 5, 20201 min read
Questions and Answers
When there’s space, you’ll be curious. The curiosity will have it's own questions. Answers are awaiting those questions. Let them in?
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Erin Gallagher
Dec 5, 20201 min read
That Energy
Believe that If you FEEL that energy in your body, It's there to reach the goal. Embody that energy to burn through any fear between you &...
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Erin Gallagher
Dec 5, 20202 min read
Contemplation on Ethics.
If someone stepped outside of ethical boundaries in this society, when would you know when to “reel them back in”? By the ethics we've...
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Erin Gallagher
Dec 5, 20204 min read
This is your thank you, to yourself.
I want to thank those of you who have found it time, and recruited the courage, to look your pain in the face. The ones of you who will...
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Erin Gallagher
Dec 5, 20201 min read
Trust Your Self?
Trust yourself. What self, do you say? The self that is the mind that utilizes the brain to piece together rational story to make sense...
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