Myofascial Release/Bodywork
Fascia is The Mother that holds, shapes, limits, protects, provides. She is emotional, and spiritual, and Knows the way back out of what She, Herself, has shaped. May we listen and unwind.
MFR is layered in with other forms of body assessment and bodywork from over 15 years of experience.
Couples Work
We are magnetized by karma and dharma to Relate. The outside is what best reflects the inside. Every pair contains God's Will for incredible growth.
Couples energetic/postural reading, couples shusta card reading, basic bodywork instruction to aide your partner through touch, all available. Ask for what you sense you'd need?
Shusta/Soul Readings
Soul has it's own layered signature; whether read by energy, or through other means. Let us turn the focus towards Soul, to Know.
Energetic Soul readings, beginner astrology readings for you to learn your own chart/evolutionary potential, and Shusta card readings; a training in my kabalistic studies that reflects Soul level & accounts for all 4 Trees of Life that comprise "us".